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Dr. Abhisek Bhattacharya

BNYS, Doctor Of Naturopathic Medicine And Advance Diploma,Health And Nutrition Life Coach,Fully Accredited Certificate In Natural Medicine And Herbalism,Specialization In Diabetes Management From UEMS-EACCME
(Institution Of European Union Of Medical Specialist)

Our bodies are always working to heal and remain healthy by itself. Most of the diseases that we face today- like obesity, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, cancers, infertility, hypothyroid, chronic kidney disease, etc. – are besically lifestyle diseases.
We need to understand what part of your lifestyle is causing the disease, and then change it. Once the cause is removed, the body is free to heal. As long as the cause remains, disease free life is difficult.

Type 2 Diabetes is a chronic disease that is considered “not cureble” by some people. But it is found through clinical studies that the condition in maximum patients can be Reversed.
YES, Diabetes can be reversed. The glucose level can go to normal and insulin sensitivity can be improved.

Diabetes Reversal Programme (DRP) is a 90 days challenge for Type-2 & Prediabetic patients to get control over diabetes. We, at My nature Coach (MNC) has introduced a programme for diabetic patients where we follow,
  • Reduce Dependency on Medicines Provide
  • Customized Dieting plan
  • Provide “Health Coach” by MNC
  • Healthy Lifestyle monitoring

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Why you choose My nature Coach (MNC)

Fresh Herbs

According to the World Health Organization, around 80% of the world’s population uses herbal medicines for primary health care. Research indicates that many of these herbs not only have anti-inflammatory properties, they also help build up the body’s natural immunity. And unlike allopathic medicines like antibiotics, which can have serious side effects, most of these herbs and spices are relatively safe.

100% Natural

There are however, many natural ingredients know to help boost your immunity. Since ancient times, herbs and spices were well known for their medicinal properties, with over 80 spices grown in different parts of the world, particularly in Asia. India is home to several spices that are used extensively in traditional medicine.

Goodness of Health

We, at My Nature Coach believes in is being committed to maintaining excellent quality and delivering with integrity. We value the trust of our customers and by being honest and consistent in what we provide, we honor this trust.Immunity cannot be built up in a day, but the good news is that eating a well-balanced diet and being physically and mentally active is usually enough to keep your immune system in good health.

Believe Ayurveda, Believe My Nature Coach

Herbal Supplements

Natural, plant-based herbal supplements & medicines for wellness-enhancing & traditional remedies for your holistic health.

MNC Community

Join MNC Yoga & Fitness Community to keep yourself healthy & wealthy by using nature's resources.

Personalized Diet Plan

Get customized diet plan as per your body requirement & maintain healthy lifestyle with our Health Coach.

Expert Advise

If you have any doubt, connect with our Ayurveda Expert for free online consultation to get best solution.

Health Tips by Dr. Abhisek Bhattacharya

Real People, Real Stories

আমি দীর্ঘদিন ধরে পা এর ব্যাথায়ে খুব কষ্ট পাচ্ছিলাম। তারপর অভিষেক বাবু কে দেখিয়ে ওষুধ খাওয়া শুরু করি। টানা ৩ মাস ওষুধ খেয়ে এখন আমি সম্পূর্ণ সুস্থ। অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ।
Sukla Dhani, Bankra, Howrah
My brother was suffering severe kidney problems. His both kidneys were damaged. Then I contact Mr. Abhisek & started ayurvedic treatment for him. Now, he is out of danger and also improving. Thanks Abhisek. You are the real saviour.
Rupendra narayan Ghose, Salt Lake
আমি বহু বছর ধরে গ্যাস-অম্বলে র প্রবলেমে ভুগছিলাম। আমার খিদে-র ইচ্ছে চলে গিয়েছিল। তারপর আমি অভিষেক এর সাথে কথা বলি। ওর ডায়েট চার্ট আর ওষুধ খেয়ে আজ এতদিনের কষ্ট থেকে আমি মুক্তি পেয়েছি। আমার হজমশক্তি বেড়ে গেছে। ধন্যবাদ অভিষেক।
Santanu Bhattacharya, Howrah

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